2 Poems by Sara Matson


i drank all your beer + stuck
my breasts to your
bathroom mirror

spat a c r o s s
the good china
guess we’re company …

the dead live inside all of us
forever but
i just don’t want to live
with all the death
between cilia hairs +
seeping into my dreams
little wet tissues stuck to
foot arches

leave them to their
salted mantles +
dusty shelves

clung to beta decay
adhesive teeth.

all grief is agonizing.
peel it off in shriveled
curls + brush it
off stooped shoulders

<grandma’s teeth>

zoetic brine
place your eye
balls and lashes in the cut
crystal natatorium
before bed

lips salted in iron flecks
tiny crystals
tiny points finding their zenith
encompassed chatoyant tussah
a squeezer-snake
lack of limbs
split appendages
laboriously packaged in wrinkled silk

ligature indicators
an unexpected throat cottoned,
astringent, a
melted wax bath
and delicate insertion
cool stainless-steel to the quick

the only time a heart rests is in
between beats
