“Soul Blood”

2 Poems by David van den Berg
“War with the Magi” by Salvatore Sodano (_fiction_)
“Commercial for the Queen of Meatloaf” by Dina Fiasconaro (_short film_)
“The Featherweight” by Jordan Faber (_fiction_)
2 Poems by James Grabill
“Sky Ballet” by K. Heath (_creative nonfiction_)
2 Poems by David Lohrey
Art by Gwen Pryor
“Fire Dance” by Bree Pye (_fiction_)
Art by Mirjana Miric
“Dora Mat” by Rebecca Rowland (_fiction_)
“Fibby” by Garin Pirnia (_screenplay_)
“This is Me” by Alexander Bischof (_short film_)
5 Poems by Kiyanna Hill
“Windbourne Dandelions” by Anna Zetlin (_fiction_)
“Milkmemo” by Lauren Turner (_poetry_)
3 Poems by Candice Kelsey
“Sunrise Ridge” by Marty Carlock (_fiction_)
2 Poems by Elizabeth Endara
“What Sleeps Will Not Sleep Forever” by Tresha Haefner (_poetry_)
“Inheritance” by Mary-Pat Hayton (_creative nonfiction_)
Art by Madaline Gardner
“Spangler’s Spring” by Jason Boies (_play_)
“Requiem” trans. by Don Mager (_poetry_)
“Lit” by Elena Oxman (_short film_)
“The Book of Untranslatable Things” by Olivia Lowenberg (_fiction_)
“Interiority” by Ann Huang (_poetry_)
Art by Jada Fabrizio
“Dreamspeak” by Crystal Wood (_poetry_)
“Nothing Was Beautiful and Everything Hurt” by Adam Rodenberger (_fiction_)
“Sincerely Anthony” by Max Shoham (_short film_)