“RADIO, HEAT, OCEAN, HAND WAVES – 2020” by Alita Pirkopf (_poetry_)


With luck, we work from home,
exercise, or dance in small rooms.
Yet we must see the whole show—
earth, sky, oceans…on television.
Our actual world disappeared.
Some of it may be out there
We seem to have said goodbye,
not knowing if we were leaving.
In this meantime, we clean mightily,
ourselves, our closets, cupboards,
and drawers—emptying out our past,
rediscovering and reflecting—
taking out dangerous chemicals
and disinfecting
without sure knowledge
to save ourselves.

Friends and family return through
our telephone past, or newer technology,
play family games or do schoolwork,
drink, jointly playing poker.
Neighbors bang pots and pans
at seven p.m. Just as Bergamo’s
residents made music, even opera,
on balconies, we,
living—still—give thanks.
